I'm New

Sunday Morning Worship Service

10:45 am 

Join us for our Sunday morning worship service. Each service involves singing songs of worship led by our worship team and teaching from the Bible by our Senior Pastor, Dr. Ryan Vanderland.


What Can I Expect on a Sunday?

What to Wear

What are you most comfortable in? Most attendees dress in jeans, while some prefer a jacket or dress. It's up to you!


Our main packing lot is located on the east side of the building on N Dunbar. We also have parking spots directly in front of the Sanctuary on W Garrison Ave.


Our service consists of singing, times of prayer, a time to give, and a message from the Bible.


During Sunday School and the worship service, we have childcare in the nursery for pre-school age children. However, all children are welcome to remain in the worship service. The presence of children in worship is a gift from God. We welcome the wiggles and giggles of children.